Approx 2 mins reading time

The First One

And it’s finally here. Not that you were waiting…

After 3 weeks of struggling to find the right technology and tools to enable me to write freely, I’ve finally built and launched this blog.

Not that big a triumph, but if you factor in the fact that I’m not really a developer, it’s pretty big.

So, while there is a ton of things to do, I’m happy with the progress I’ve made so far - the sanity integration works, the blog loads quickly, page transition smoothly.

The architecture is super simple ->

1. I write on the Sanity Studio platform that I could customize with a bunch of JSON files.

2. When I publish a new article/note, it triggers a Vercel build command (through webhook integration) that server side renders the entire blog (Astro).

3. Almost 95% of the blog is configurable through Sanity - I can change the links, the social share and even the intro text!

Over the next few weeks, I intend to add a few more things to the blog (you can checkout the readme in the GitHub repo). The fun stuff is going to be adding ChatGPT to generate summaries and even change the way you consume the content on this blog.

More on that later… till then, happy reading!

Read Next Writing & Dreaming